The Drama Committee of the Arts Club of Washington seeks to nurture the dramatic arts and present original and historic works in the nation’s capital. We present and host performance artists, thespians and troupes from around the Washington, D.C. area for salon events, one-act play competitions, and more.
Since 2013, we have hosted the non-profit arts organization FABUM to produce an original, site-specific performance work using the Arts Club of Washington as the setting. These are ticketed public events with a free members previews. More information can be found at here.
We celebrate dramatic work of all genres, both new and historic. We have hosted diverse organizations, players and acts and are pleased to be part of the flourishing theatre community of Washington, D.C.
For more information or questions about programming, please contact committee chair Jameson Freeman at
Monthly staged readings with First Draft:
First Draft Readings are usually held one Tuesday each month at 7:30 pm. We are so pleased to host the marvelous First Draft for monthly, salon-style staged readings on plays-in-progress. Come and observe some of the best local actors play out the latest works of some of D.C.’s most respected playwrights – then join in the conversation afterwards!
For more information about the First Draft Series, please click here.